More prophetic words have rarely been spoken! After 4 hours of labor and 5 whole minutes of pushing Master Nico Florio De Angelis (aka The Baby D aka Little Lord LaQuartus) burst forth onto this freezing tundra of a land on Wednesday, December 14, 2010 at 10:13 pm. I know what you're all thinking, he already stays up later than his parents!
Apparently he blew that pop stand so fast, the staff had to rush back into the room. Some people are so pushy.
Nico tips the scale at 6 pounds 4 manly ounces and is 19.7 inches long. He is tall, dark, and handsome.

Rather than bore everyone further with my ramblings, I shall instead offer up a few additional photos from about an hour ago.
Here he is sleeping:

Here he is sleeping with his hat off:

Let's see...Here he is sleeping with his Mommy:

And finally, sleeping and showing off his manly back hair (although I confess it's not too visible in this picture):

So basically, there was a lot of sleeping going on as well as a lot of construction noise. No doubt 9 months plus in the womb (Apparently the little guy was closer to 42 weeks and this left him with some old man feet. See below for the fascinating evidence.) listening to loud-mouthed Italians and crazy barking Vizslas has made him immune to the noise.

And finally, here he is awake last night looking like a garden gnome! And yes, I did tell him he looked like a garden gnome because in this family, you've got to grow the thick skin quick!

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