It is T-4 days to Mac and his Mouth so I've got "All My Colours" stuck in my head. I apparently have a lot of things stuck in my head. If you ever wondered just how many things, this tale may provide some illumination (it'll also explain the Tardis, trust me).
A few days ago, Stacey tells me she bought Armor All (or something that cleans cars) because Kirby's car was so shiny and clean that she felt bad about her car. I said, "Are you kidding me? His car is a mess. It's dirty". No bells.
This morning we had to go to Home Depot to buy a new kitchen faucet. Kirby unlocks the passenger door and I get in. No bells. He starts the car and pushes the key in. Bells. I look at the dash. Bells and bells! There is a screen in the dash and the controls all look different but I entered the Police Box and it looked just like it should but it's bigger on the inside. I say, "Did you get a new stereo or something?" Kirby says "Yeah, something". I say, "Is this the same car? Did you get a new car?" Yeah, he did. When you say? March 31. You can't get anything by me.
The screen displays the Artist List from the iPod that's hooked up in glove compartment, it's got Bluetooth, and you push a button to engage the parking brake. My new faucet is cool too.
And now, I present one of the few Wings who did not piss me off today (I am looking at you, Kronner). I hope Shane "Sucks" Doan is done for the series and that the Wings get their act together.

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