SPOILER ALERT: I am going to tell you the deep dark secret so if you think you want to see it, just remember that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time!
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive
Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)
No, it's not old Shakey although many people assume that it is. Many people also assume that old Shakey was in fact William Shakespeare. I am one of those people. Other people like to assume that it was someone else. Someone like Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. The film in question does everything in its power to prove this point and in the end, does everything in its power to not only disprove the point, but make the theory fly at "Ludicrous Speed"!
The movie begins with Derek Jacobi on stage for the set up. If you are thinking, "Gee, this is a bit like Branagh's Henry V" then you'd be thinking along the same lines as me. Jacobi's prologue posits the first of many persuasive arguments against Shakespeare: his father, his wife, and his daughter were all illiterate! Now, I am not sure what the literacy rate of the merchant class was in late 16th century England so I googled it and found a quote from John Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century:
"Male literacy in England slowly and steadily increased from ten percent in 1500 to forty-five percent in 1714..."
Even with two women who don't belong in the sample group, I am thinking that it is indeed possible that Will attended grammar school and learnt his letters. This was possible even for the son of a glove maker and that brings us to our second argument: the son of a glove maker could not possibly have written such beautiful prose! Now that's just a bit 1% me thinks. I'd like to just dismiss this claim out right as it's just snobby but I did read a book (and I'd look it up if I wasn't too lazy) that spent about 400 pages refuting this argument. The author's proofs were pulled from the plays wherein the author, whoever he might have been, displayed a curious and intimate knowledge of leather tanning methods and mercantile trades. The author's conclusion was that someone of Edward de Vere's status would never have known these intimate details.
Both of these damning statements occur in the first minutes of what is quite a long film and as you, my dear reader, and the viewers are now convinced that Shakespeare was indeed a fraud, what further proofs could possibly be needed? Well, lots of sex obviously! Lots and lots of unprotected sex.
Allow me to offer crib notes for the final damning pieces of "evidence" because I really don't want to bore you with all the details:
Edward de Vere, (a ginger) like Hamlet, heard voices and the only way to tame those voices was to write the plays. Of course this only proves to his wife, the daughter of William Cecil, that it is all the work of the devil. de Vere attempts to get Ben Jonson, the first Poet Laureate of England, to put on and take credit for his plays as the are of a seditious nature and seek to affect the succession (de Vere is anti-James).
Ben Jonson (did I mention he is the first Poet Laureate of England?) is too much the artiste to take credit - besides "it is not in his voice" and spills the beans to an unscrupulous actor, Will Shakespeare.
Will Shakespeare likes booze, money, whores, fame and not necessarily in that order. He is a minor character in the film but I am here to tell you that the great irony is that he is the most likable character and Rafe Spall without a doubt, gives the best performance.
Elizabeth (a ginger) is the Virgin Queen of England and she likes sex. In fact the fastest way into her pants is through prose. Utter a few lines and she's all yours. She also doesn't suffer from the fertility issues of the rest of her clan.
William Cecil, Secretary of State and Master of the Court Wards, was a boring Puritan who wanted James VI of Scotland to be James I of England (because he was the son of Mary Queen of Scots who was the daughter of Margaret Tudor and Henry Stuart, both grandchildren of Henry VII, the Pretender who stole the crown from Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, who laid claim to the throne via his mother Margaret Beaufort who was the great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, the third son of Edward III - got it!) is an evil manipulator of the Queen. de Vere is placed in his household as a Ward after his *parents* die but he is not allowed to write his beloved words because they are the work of the devil. Bad things ensue, including the murder of a servant who is caught lurking behind a curtain and stabbed by de Vere (Hamlet!). Despite all this he is married to William's daughter. When Hamlet is performed it is clear that Pelonius is William Cecil although that doesn't really work for me because it's really Hamlet's uncle-father Claudius who is the true villain in this play. Pelonius is just a bumbling old man with a son (Laertes who is not really like Robert except that he does want to kill de Vere) and a daughter (Ophelia who is not really like his daughter at all except that she does die before de Vere but that's not mentioned in the film). And anyway, was de Vere's fencing coach Rosencrantz or Guildenstern and wouldn't that make Robert Cecil Claudius? It's baffling.
Robert Cecil, successor to his father is nothing more than a shadow of papa and a hunchback. This is important.
The Earls of Essex and Southampton are two Prince Hot Ginges.
Now that the players are in place, take a deep breath...
Elizabeth is a poet groupie. She *meets* de Vere as a young man after he performs a Midsummer Night's Dream. They later have an affair after he spews a lot of words at her. Liz gets pregnant and is not allowed to marry Eddy because old Cecil won't let her. Liz, the headstrong queen, obeys and "goes on a progress" (i.e. has a baby) as is the normal procedure when she is knocked up. This information gets out after de Vere has an affair with one of her ladies, who he also gets pregnant but we don't hear about that bastard. He is banished from the Court for this indiscretion. de Vere has his plays performed and Shakespeare takes credit after Ben is unable to because he is so moved by a performance of Henry V. de Vere does not want to see James on the throne so he conspires to use his plays to have the Earl of Essex, who he knows to be a bastard of Liz, succeed. William dies and is replaced by Robert Cecil, the hunchback. de Vere has Richard III performed to anger the mob as even the unwashed masses can understand that the evil Tricky Dicky is meant to be Robert Cecil, hunchback (and here I had always thought it was Will playing to his Tudor overlords by legitimatizing their seizure of the throne at the aforementioned Battle of Bosworth Field). In conjunction with this mob action, our Princes Hot Ginge (Essex and Southampton) are going to make an appeal to the Queen (Essex has been labeled a traitor who wishes to seize the throne by Robert Cecil). It all goes awry because Ben Jonson squealed on them so de Vere (who was waiting to see the Queen - she had recently agreed to forgive him) is left to watch the plan fall apart. Liz is whisked away for her safety and de Vere is alone with Robert Cecil wherein tangled web is unraveled:
SPOILER ALERT - I AM GIVING AWAY THE GOODS NOW: Robert tells de Vere that Southampton is his son with Liz. He also tells him that this is not the only ginger bastard roaming England. In fact Bastardo Numero Uno was conceived when Liz was 16 and was none other than de Vere. So he had sex with his mother (how Oedipus Rex and yet also Mel Gibson as Hamlet with Glenn Close as Gertrude) who gave birth to Southampton who was her son and her grandson at the same time. Despite all this inbreeding, the fertility rate is astounding! William Cecil continued to forgive de Vere his transgressions as he knew he was the first bastard son of the Virgin Queen and was therefore working to make him King and his daughter Queen Consort. Their child, his grandson, would eventually be King. I guess James was a Plan B? In any event, de Vere's plan goes awry and Essex has his head chopped off by his mother, Southampton is saved from execution after de Vere appeals to the Queen, James succeeds Liz, he likes plays so Robert Cecil has to put up with some more of that, de Vere dies but gives all his manuscripts to Ben on his deathbed. He is caught by de Vere's wife (Robert's sister who at this point is actually dead if you care about history) and she tattles to Robert who has Ben arrested and burns down the theater wherein the manuscripts are all burnt but they're not and they are eventually published. Ben goes on to be a good playwright and be named the first Poet Laureate of England, blah, blah, blah! Oh, and I hope you now have resolution on those tricky love sonnets dedicated to the Earl of Southampton! No, the so-called Shakespeare was not gay, he was de Vere and he dedicated erotic love sonnets to his bastard son. Smashing!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
"Veni, Vidi, Vici!": Day 4
I know what you're thinking, "conquered"? So far it's not sounding like I conquered a damned thing. Well, I did and I'll get to that but in the meantime, does this really look like the face of a sex symbol? A roarer, a rogerer, a gorger, and a puker? He was you know even if I just quoted Prince George. Maybe not a gorger and a puker although there is some evidence that he was perhaps epileptic but mostly there's a lot of evidence, rumor, and innuendo that he slept with a lot of people. He just doesn't do it for me. Certainly not in the way that Harold Godwinson's mustaches do it for me. Moving on....
Day 4 starts as usual on the roof top with caffeine and much sun. It is already "scorchio!" out there. Just click on the link if you've never seen it.
Departing from the Hotel Mercure, we head to Rome's esteemed Metro system. It's not very extensive but they say that's because of all the Roman ruins underground. This may very well be the case but after riding it twice, both times packed to the gills, I can say a few more cars would be nice. This morning's car has a manual A/C system. This means that when the train is moving, there is air coming in from the outside. Air that is generated by the movement of the train through the tunnels so it's not so fresh but it's still better than the no air when the train is not moving. Luckily we only have to ride it two stops to Pyramide station (there is a strange pyramid nearby that I saw in books and on the cab ride in but that is not visible from the station) where we change to the Lido train. We have a rather pleasant ride out to the countryside on a spacious train that contains very few seats. About 5 minutes into the ride, a couple of nonnas board and there is no seat so I give them mine. They seem a bit shocked and say "grazie". Standing is much better anyway as I am now window level and can actually enjoy the breeze.
Ostia Antica, the old port of Rome, is about a 5 minute walk from the train station itself. Along the way we stop at a shop and buy water. Three bottles cost three Euros out here - not the six or seven in Rome so we make a note to buy more before we leave. We also pass a cute little restaurant where we plan to have lunch. We decide to just use Nancy's Rick Steve's guide to get us through the small town and enter. Although it's hot there is a nice breeze and there is very little traffic noise. It is such a pleasure to be out of the city and also such a pleasure to walk around the ruins. Unlike the Forum and other sites in Rome, you can pretty much walk through Ostia unless there are mosaics, frescoes, or a current dig. Rather than bore you with a detailed account, I'll just post the pictures with some descriptions.
As you walk up to the town proper, you are in the old necropolis. Romans buried their relatives outside the city walls and as such there are a lot of fragments of sarcophagi. Upon entering, you pass the warehouses and then the fabulous Baths of Neptune.
From the Baths, we walked to the Theater. It is in fantastic shape and they still use it for concerts and performances.
The square of the guilds is where business was transacted and each business stall contains mosaics that describe the goods provided or services rendered. Since we could not read Latin, I have no clue what most of them did but I am pretty sure these guys trafficked in elephants.
In the center of the square, is the remains of a temple. At the time there was a group of French tourists squatting on the steps. They were making hissing noises at the most handsome and friendly little cat so John and I walked up, sat down, and called the young man over. He was a sweetheart. He allowed us to pet him, scratch his chin, and generally adore him and then he was off to find new non-French blood. (That's a French person behind him.)
After the square, we wandered through the mill and various side streets and then came upon the fabulous tavern. The condition is amazing and you can walk all around, even behind the bar. While John was behind the bar, a couple of German ladies walked by and ordered beer. The fresco displays some of the goods for sale.
At this point, we needed refreshment so we walked to the cafeteria where we bought water, beer and Italian cheesy poofs (I think they were called Puffi. They were in a can and they were salty and delicious). Rehydrated and resalinated (I know, not a word!) we wandered around for a little while longer and then headed to the little restaurant for lunch on the Via de Romagnoli, Allo Sbarco di Enea.
This is a picture of the little flyer they give you with your bill. It's priceless and I shall save it always. Sadly, the little sandal wearer was not our waiter (We had a nice female server in tunic, belt, and sandals who, upon looking at my Visa card said, "DeAngelis! That is an Italian name." I couldn't tell if she was excited because I was Italian or shocked that I wasn't able to speak Italian very well.) We sat on the patio that was strewn with faux Roman statuary and covered by grapevines and an awning. The food was delicious. Nancy and I had the Melanzane themed special (grilled eggplant, zucchini, peppers, cheese, salami & prosciutto, melon, and then melanzane alla parmigiana) while John had the spaghetti bolognese special. Sadly for him and happily for me, he was too full to eat his saltimbocca so Nancy and I (read: mostly "I") helped with that. They also served this with french fries. I am not sure if this is because we ordered "Tourist Specials" and they think that Americans eat french fries with every meal or what but they were awesome french fries.
After lunch we headed back to the train and rode back with an overworked Italian IT guy who kept falling asleep. When the train slowed, he'd lurch awake and lurch out of his seat at anyone sitting opposite. He'd then ask the stop, we'd tell him, and then he'd go back to sleep. He was still on the train sleeping when we returned. It was the last stop so we just figured he'd ride it back towards Lido and get off at some point. If not, at least he was getting some rest.
The Metro was just as crowded going back although the train was newer and had real A/C. Back at the hotel we rested, wrestled with our imperial elevators, consumed more alcohol on the roof, and went for pizza around the corner. I actually had foccace with speck (an uncured sort of bacon because I just hadn't had enough pig) and it was juicy and fatty and delicious.
And that's about it. Early the next morning a surly taxi driver took us to the airport where I waited in a long line to get through passport control, a long line to check in and check my bags, and a long line to get through security. In the security line I was behind an Italian family who had apparently never flown before as they had to take just about everything off to get through the metal detectors and then walked away and left all their carry on luggage on the belt of the x-ray machine! I felt like I was in a Roberto Benigni film. I arrived at the gate as we were boarding.
So I came, I saw, and I actually conquered my fear of being in a city filled with Italians. I really do wish they'd talk less and a little more slowly and at a lower volume but then it's their nature. It's kind of like my mom saying she's not screaming when she's screaming. Italians go to 11 and most of the time they are on 11. Do I like Rome? No, not really. I described it as being like NYC on cocaine. Unlike London, there is simply no place that is quiet unless you are in a church and then all the pilgrims take the fun out of it. I wish I could time travel and see it in it's heyday because the Roman parts of Rome are spectacular and it's quite moving to walk among the ruins. For the most part the architecture is Italian Renaissance and Baroque overload (gods above and demons below but I hate the palazzo style!). I need more of the medieval to keep me happy. I will visit again but I think only as a day trip or an overnight from Florence or Sienna or Venice but not for a while. Amsterdam anyone?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
"Motivation is a Lotta Crap.": Day 3
I am inclined to agree with Dean. The man was a funny bloody genius!
Tuesday morning the plan was to get up early and do a tour of the Colosseum that included the lower level so I meet Nancy on the roof for some coffee and pastry. She's not feeling so well so she says she may just stay in and rest up. I say, "Okay, but I have to tell you about this dream I had" because I am nothing if not compassionate. On the one hand I am pleased that I reached deep into REM sleep but on the other hand, I am a tad bit disturbed. I am at my mother's old house on Belvoir and I am heading up the steps with a laundry basket when all of a sudden someone starts to pinch my ass. Hard. Really, really hard. I yelp and turn around to face my attacker only to find that it's Sidney Crosby! I said it was disturbing. He laughs and passes me on the stairs and heads into Larry's old bedroom where he is being really nice to me while at the same time he is changing into a maroon and white polyester tuxedo straight out of the 70s (it does fit the time frame of living at that house). In my dream I am thinking to myself, "I totally hate this guy and he pinched my ass but he is being really nice to me know so I should be nice back..." and that's about it. Dream over. I believe Nancy thinks I am nuts. She decides relaxing at the hotel is for the best and we take either Nero or Agrippina to the lobby to meet John.
John and I depart and are about to cross Via Labicana on our way into the Colosseum when Nancy sneaks up behind us. She decided to do the Colosseum and then go back to the hotel and crash. A wise decision, it is fantastic. As we enter, we head to the ticket counter to ask about the tour of the lower level. Now to me the lower level meant the "lower level". Where the gladiators and animals and filthy Christians were kept. As I enquire about this supposed tour which is only given on Tuesday mornings from 9:00-12:00 (at least that's what it says in one of my tour guides), I get the distinct feeling I've been here before but not as in deja vu, more like a flashback to Pee Wee's Big Adventure when he goes on the tour of the Alamo so he can gain access to the basement to retrieve his stolen bike only the tour guide says, "There's no basement in the Alamo.". Hey, guess what? There is no tour of the "lower level" either and the next tour available is at 12:40 p.m. Motivation is a lot of crap.
Despite this set back, I am in heaven. This may just be one of the most spectacular places on earth and rather than bore you with details, I'll just offer up a few pictures: a mosaic on the way in, the suite seats, and a shot of the gladiators barracks across the street.
We spend a pleasant couple of hours or so at the old barn and then Nancy heads back to the hotel and John and I head for the hop on/hop off bus as that pass is good for 48 hours. On the way we see some American tourist having her picture taken with an Emperor and two Centurions. While this is a not uncommon site around town, we were particularly amused after the photo was taken. Our good Emperor not only has time to rule the known world but make change for the husband and stop for a smoke break! It's all so very classy.
Our first stop is the Ara Pacis, of which I have no photos, but is totally cool and is encased in an air conditioned building. We admire the altar (the size of a small temple), visit il bagno, and head out into the heat in the direction of the Spanish Steps. When we arrive, it's kind of crowded so I take a snap and we keep on moving on.
At this point we are heading toward Santa Maria della Vittoria so I can pop in and see the Cornaro Chapel. The gut is amazing and we find it but of course, it's in the middle of the afternoon when the church is shut and locked up. It kind of figures but as Theresa has been frozen in ecstasy for 350 years, I figure she can wait until my next visit to Rome. Besides, it's lunch time and I need a cold and tasteless beer. As we wander towards the Termini Station area, I see the Baths of Diocletian and think, "What the hay, let's give it a shot" except that you have to enter through Santa Maria degli Angeli (damned Christians). As we walk in we realize there is some talking and some shushing going on. It's a damned mass. We've come in in the middle of a mass. We wander a little and try to find the entrance to the Baths but we both just want out. As I look up the Priest is in the middle of the Transubstantiation phase and I shudder.
Released into the daylight, I see umbrellas along the square. Food! As we near the umbrellas, we see they read "McDonald's". If you're keeping count, it's now a blow out. Rome is up by at least 4 runs. Undeterred we find a nice place and have pizza, calzone, and beer. We then move on down Via Natzionale towards the Vittorio Emmanuel Monument (we did stop briefly at the oldest tower in Rome which does have some Roman roots but they caught us wandering around and wanted money to get in so we quickly lost interest). The VEM is ugly and huge but it does have an elevator (read: clear glass sweatbox) that you can take all the way to the top "if" you have the energy to climb five staircases (it's really ten as each of them are split in two). By the time you get up there, you are hotter than hell and dripping like a pig. The elevator attendant, a 20-something Roman lad who never stops texting, somehow manages not to sweat like the rest of his race (I must have vestigial Norman pores). Once you arrive, the view is priceless and the breeze up there is not too bad either!
You can see the tea cup dome of the St. Peter's to the left and a bit of the Forum down below.
As we head back down, I decide that it's time to do the Palatine Hill. This is technically part of the Forum complex for the paying customer but rather than civic buildings and temples, it contains the houses and palaces of the patrician families, and later, imperial residences. John has done this bit already but I convince him to come along. Typically, a lot of the buildings aren't open (it is afternoon and a Tuesday or whatever) but there is a nice breeze on the hill (it's no wonder it was a choice piece of real estate) and there are some cool things to see.
Some mosaics and if I remember correctly, the remains of Nero's pre-fire residence.
Since it's still mid-afternoon, we decide that maybe we should do the Capitoline Museum on the Campidoglio. If you've been following along you know that this means we have to walk all the back across the Forum. The hot, dusty Forum. It is at this point that all those Lindsey Davis and Steven Saylor books really come to life. In both of their novels, the characters walk back and forth across the Forum to different parts of town and I now have an incredible appreciation for just what a haul this really is. It's not just the heat and dust, it's the hills and steps that get you. Despite all the hard work, John and I have fun reminiscing over the Eastern European bride to be. He dubbing her Katrina while I call her Svetlana. Before we know it, we've climbed the steps and are heading into the museum. As we go through the metal detector, one guard tells John to put his cell phone in his hat and pass it over the machine while the other guard says no, it must go through the machine. Meanwhile I stand there sweating profusely, watching his cell phone fly through the air and break into three pieces.
After clearance, we enter the courtyard where the greatest bastard in all of history awaits my scorn! I heap it upon his foot, his arm, his knee, his hand, and finally, his big stupid head!
Seen above: An ass that's gone to pieces.
After the courtyard, we enter the building and come upon a hallway that is lined on either side with busts of Hadrian wherein I crack the lovely joke, "It's the Wall of Hadrian" and no one laughs but me....because it was funny and historical and topical...oh, never mind.
As I gaze upon one of my favorite pieces, the bust of Commodus as Hercules (now there was an emperor!), John beckons me to another room and it's air conditioned! It's also full of sculpture including the less than proud papa of Commodus, Marcus Aurelius on horseback (Look Hollywood, no stirrups!). Smashing.

As I pan across the room, ignoring yet another huge head of the worst Roman Emperor in history, I spy a member of the gens Balbus! A masterful piece combining the Roman skill of portraiture with their less than adept handling of the idealized male nude (below left). I get a shot off just as a Guard comes along to tell me that I can only take pictures of "the head and the horse"!
The head is of course the colossal head of Constantine and I can only think that it's far too late to shoot that guy in the head! Damage done. So we move past countless Romans, each face unique, past a really bad Caravaggio (as The Cure has Love Song and the Bunnies Lips Like Sugar so Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio had this monstrosity), until we reached the brilliant head of Medusa and then Romulus and Remus in full suckle mode. By this time I was completely confused on the photography rules so I had stowed my camera for the day. Sad because they were amazing.
Pooped and less than enthused, we decided to do the hop on/hop off bus back to the Colosseum even though it meant riding for at least an hour if not more. When we got to Termini Station we were again shuffled onto another bus. John called Nancy to give her our ETA and we learned that she was hungry and ready to go. We made plans to meet on the roof at 6:30. I shower, religiously, and then battle with Nero or Agrippina. Dinner is nearby and includes Gnocchi al Gorgonzola and Scamorza al Miele (grilled sharp cheese drizzled in honey). Tomorrow is Day 4 and Ostia Antica but for now I will leave you with the sun setting over the Colosseum from the rooftop bar. Motivation is a lotta crap.
PS: I apologize for the formatting issues. I beta tested the new Blogger interface. It's way better when it comes to uploading photos but it's got a few issues!
As I gaze upon one of my favorite pieces, the bust of Commodus as Hercules (now there was an emperor!), John beckons me to another room and it's air conditioned! It's also full of sculpture including the less than proud papa of Commodus, Marcus Aurelius on horseback (Look Hollywood, no stirrups!). Smashing.

As I pan across the room, ignoring yet another huge head of the worst Roman Emperor in history, I spy a member of the gens Balbus! A masterful piece combining the Roman skill of portraiture with their less than adept handling of the idealized male nude (below left). I get a shot off just as a Guard comes along to tell me that I can only take pictures of "the head and the horse"!
The head is of course the colossal head of Constantine and I can only think that it's far too late to shoot that guy in the head! Damage done. So we move past countless Romans, each face unique, past a really bad Caravaggio (as The Cure has Love Song and the Bunnies Lips Like Sugar so Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio had this monstrosity), until we reached the brilliant head of Medusa and then Romulus and Remus in full suckle mode. By this time I was completely confused on the photography rules so I had stowed my camera for the day. Sad because they were amazing.
Pooped and less than enthused, we decided to do the hop on/hop off bus back to the Colosseum even though it meant riding for at least an hour if not more. When we got to Termini Station we were again shuffled onto another bus. John called Nancy to give her our ETA and we learned that she was hungry and ready to go. We made plans to meet on the roof at 6:30. I shower, religiously, and then battle with Nero or Agrippina. Dinner is nearby and includes Gnocchi al Gorgonzola and Scamorza al Miele (grilled sharp cheese drizzled in honey). Tomorrow is Day 4 and Ostia Antica but for now I will leave you with the sun setting over the Colosseum from the rooftop bar. Motivation is a lotta crap.
PS: I apologize for the formatting issues. I beta tested the new Blogger interface. It's way better when it comes to uploading photos but it's got a few issues!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
"Inactivity is Death!": Day 2

Or so said Il Duce!
At about 5:30 a.m. Monday morning, traffic returned to Via Labicana with a vengeance. I heard it but it didn't really wake me up until about 9:00 a.m. I called Nancy, confirmed her arrival time (she was switching to my hotel that morning) and went out for a stroll to get my bearings. I walked down past the Colosseum with the Forum on my left and on my right. The bits of the Forum on your right are not accessible but there are some good views from the street.

I had mistakenly thought that it would be pleasant to go for a stroll so early in the day but Rome's climate is odd. It's hottest in the morning and then about 5:30 a breeze begins to blow that makes it almost pleasant. This breeze then disappears around 9:00 or 9:30 and it's once again muggy and still but not as hot as the sun is not beating down on your sad ass. On Monday, at 10:00 a.m., it was already hotter then hell so I turned and headed back up the hill to sit in the A/C until Nancy and John arrived. I was almost at the hotel when I saw that the entrance to the park was labeled "Domus Aurea". I laughed and wandered up yet another hill.
For those who don't know, the Domus Aurea or Golden Palace, was built by Nero after the fire of 64 AD. "History" famously has him fiddling while Rome burned but that was not true, he wasn't even in Rome at the time. In fact some believe that it was a filthy group of rabble-rousers known as the "Christians" who were responsible for the blaze and that this is perhaps why they were very shortly persecuted without much mercy. Since these same "Christians" are responsible for much of this "history", I leave it to you to decide what you believe. I am pretty sure you all know where I stand.
When I reached the top of the hill, I realized that I was covered in a slick and fabulous layer of sweat so despite the shrieks of Italian bambinos, I headed to a dry fountain in the shade. The fountain was decorated with amphorae that had been embedded in that other of most Roman creations, cement. Accompanied by the shrill voices and the sound of jack hammering (they are currently working on stabilizing the structure), it was a pleasant enough spot and I wondered just what Nero would think if he knew that his prized piece of land was now a baby park for the plebs? I also understood exactly why the Romans made bathing a near religious experience.
Once the sweat stopped pouring off my brow, I walked down the steps and turned right into the hotel. I was sleeping with Nero and I didn't even know it! Nancy and John had checked in and we were going to meet in the lobby in 10 minutes. I had this incredible list of things I wanted to do and not doing them was simply out of the question so we headed down to the Colosseum to catch the hop on/hop off Archeobus. For 18 Euros you get a ticket that allows you to ride their double-decker buses in a loop around the major sites. When you see the map and read their pamphlet it all makes perfect, logical sense but then this is Italy and this is a government bus. All is not what it seems.
We took the bus to the Vittorio Emmanuel Monument and stopped by Trajan's Column. Having studied the darned thing, I wanted to at least give it a walk by. While we were there, we saw some enterprising vendors using a most fabulous Corinthian capital upon which to hawk their wares. I tutted and walked by.

They grunt in our direction. Roman vendor speak for "Buy my shit!" and we grunt back, "Um, let me think...NO". John and I will begin communicating in this fashion on a regular basis. It's very effective and confuses the zombies to no end.
Although John prefers to walk to our next stop (maybe the Pantheon), Nancy has a bad cold and would prefer to ride so we get back on the Archeobus and head to the Ara Pacis. To get there we must cross the Tiber and stop at the Vatican. It is my first view of venerable St. Peter's and it is even more forgettable in person than in pictures. Now anyone who's taken any Renaissance architecture course is taught that this is a horrible example of architecture, Renaissance or not. The facade is so big it make the dome look like an upturned tea cup. The only classy thing about St. Peter's is the colonnade designed by Bernini but without the wide-angle lens, you can't even see it. Hadrian's Mausoleum, known to some as Castel Sant'Angelo, is pretty cool as are the walls around Vatican City (You know I've always wanted to re-write Guns N'Roses' Paradise City. Take me down to Vatican City, where the Tiber is green and the priests are pretty...). We recross the Tiber as I day dream about the bodies that were once tossed willy-nilly into this less than grand waterway, we head right smack dab into a traffic jam. Apparently a bendy bus has bent and can't unbend. We take our first route detour on our first Archeobus ride (this is a common thread) and are dropped off near the Ara Pacis, or, as our Archeobus tour guide tells us, "on the other side of the wall" from the Altar of Peace. We walk around and see Augustus' Mausoleum and a modern white building. We are confused, I lament the lost art of signage, but then I look at my notes and realize the damned thing is closed today. How nice it would have been for the "guide" to maybe have mentioned that but this is Italy. They are now up 2-0.
We opt instead to move on to the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. We hop on and then hop off at the Trevi stop and make our way to a small piazza and there looming like an 800 pound gorilla in a small room is the Trevi Fountain.

It's lovely but very crowded and since the piazza is so small, there is no where to go. There are too many people to wade through to get to the water and the area smells like the University Circle Rapid stop so we admire and walk towards the Pantheon and lunch. It is very crowded here so we are kind of stuck walking slowly. At one point Nancy thinks she might just brush rudely past these two short dudes who cut her off and are engaged in some intense conversation. For some reason, she waits. It's probably a good idea because they are like SWAT team carabinieri. That said, they were both about 5'8", swarthy and handsome if you go for that sort of thing. What I found most amusing is that they all look like Fendi models. I mean even their kevlar vests more stylish than our cops wear. They have this little leather braid that hangs down from the back of their haughtily cocked berets and their uniform trousers fit like skinny jeans. I really can't take these guys seriously despite the Berettas.
As we enter another little street, we are flagged down by some guy whose job it is to flag people down and convince them to dine at his establishment. He is annoying and a caricature of the Italian male but we sit. The pizza is pretty crappy but they have cold, tasteless beer served in liter sized mugs. Fortified, we move on to the Pantheon. Now at this point I will say that in this particular part of town there is some signage designed to assist the pedestrian tourist. Where this meager signage fails, helpful tourists have scribbled "Pantheon" or "Panteon" and arrows on other signs. Thanks mostly to the gut (thanks John), we make it. Say "Hi, Nancy".

As we exit, we head for the Gelateria. I get pistachio and panne chiocolatto and it is delicious but it is mostly melted by the time we find a place to sit. It's my only gelato of the trip as I spent more time savoring the varieties of pig products (prosciutto, salami, speck...). At this point, it is decided that we should head back to the hotel for a rest as we are going to take the Archeobus all the way around this evening. It is also at this point that I surrender to the chaos! I no longer feel that "Inactivity is death!". I no longer care if I miss the Cornaro Chapel or anything other than the Colosseum or Ostia Antica because it's just too stressful to stay on an itinerary and even if you do, there is a chance that Italy will still win and the place will be closed. From now on, I go with the flow. Italy 2 - US 1.
After a brief rest, we meet on the rooftop bar for drinks. This is easier said than done because either the elevators in Italy are as temperamental as the people or the elevators at our hotel as possessed. If they are possessed, I say one is Nero and one is Agrippina. I am not sure which is which but both thought they were in charge. The view is nice once you finally get there and Perroni actually makes a double (doppo) that is tasty and is served on tap. Now when I say "tasty", I mean that is has "some" taste.

The ride is nice and the route is once again unique. We pass the Ara Pacis so I now know where it is and make plans to see it tomorrow afternoon. At Termini Station we are told to change buses. This seems to happen every time you ride it to Termini Station. When we arrive back at the Colosseum, we stop for dinner at a very blue trattoria. The food is mediocre but we are sitting next to the Colosseum. Every couple of minutes I have to keep looking over at it. It's marvelous. At about 9:00 p.m., my body hits the wall and we all retire a bit early. I read and fall into a dead sleep fraught with a very strange dream but that I will save until tomorrow!
Monday, September 19, 2011
"Italy is a Shitty Country!": Day 1
I flew in via Charlotte on the fabulous US Airways which neglects to give you free booze and headphones on international flights but who are still at least two hundred dollars cheaper than their competitors. My flight is full and is composed of love turds who have to hold hands and watch romantic comedies and old people who have to combat phlebitis for nine straight hours. Despite the $7.00 Becks (awful but laid quality groundwork for the bad biera to come) and the idiots, the flight did go quickly. Before I knew it the flight attendants were coming around with coffee and some sort of cream filled pastry. Upon landing I expected the usual announcement with instructions on passport control and luggage but this is Italy so there was none. We stumble off the plane and follow the signs and eventually make it to Passport Control where there are two booths attended by two Customs Agents who look bored as shit except when they look at your passport photo. Then they smirk, shrug their shoulders, and stamp your book while you nod your head and say, "Sorry, Scavullo was busy that day!" Humiliated I head for Baggage Claim.
Baggage Claim was awesome. You could actually see the guys at the top of the ramp throwing the luggage down slowly, very slowly. After about 50 bags, there is a lull in the action. A couple next to me, late 50s, are still waiting for their bags as am I and about 75% of the flight. The husband is bright eyed and is wearing a polo shirt and slacks that bare no creases. He has not a hair out of place. The wife is a little over weight and looks like she just came off a red eye transoceanic/transcontinental flight. She stands next to me, bored, waiting for the espresso break to end and the resumption of luggage service to begin. He stands next to the belt and says repeatedly, like a 5 year old, "Is that all of the bags? Our bags weren't there. Where are our bags? Did they lose our bags?" She says, "No dear. Yes, dear. No dear." I look at her in sympathy but then bail because I see my bag! I collect it and head to the Taxi line where I am happy to report, there was no line. I hop in, say "Buongiorno" and give the driver the address to the hotel. Before I know it I am sweating and at my stop. The meter says 49.80. I say 40. He shrugs his shoulders and I give him 45. Hey, it's the law!
When I get to the desk, they ask for a name. I say "Sinning" they say "we got a lot a Sinning" but I track down Nancy in the restaurant. I quickly down a double espresso and we head to Nancy's room so I can take a shower, brush the teeth, and change. We decide to spend the day at the Forum and as soon as everyone is ready, head up to the Campidoglio where we hope to find an entrance but first we must climb a hill and a lot of steps. By the time I reach the top, I've lost that freshly showered feeling. The view kind of makes up for it all.
As we enter the Forum, we all buy the Roma Pass for 25 Euros each. When they get to Nancy's friend Jay, they charge him 500 Euros. Since they can't cancel out the charge, he ends up with 450 Euros in change. The score is now Italy 1, US 0.

Although we never do make it to the restaurant, we eventually find another. It's classic. The walls are covered with photos of the famous people who have eaten there (I really only recognize Sophia Lauren) and for whom they have cooked (Il Papa PJP II). We get a ton of dishes and split them all. The grilled radicchio is my favorite. Stuffed and a bit drunk, we head back to the hotel. It must be noted that Nancy wanted to cab it from the restaurant but that I had had my fill of cab drivers and did not want to have to ride by myself so we walked. This was okay until Jay looked for a short cut and as Nancy noted, there are no short cuts in Rome. Go back the way you came or prepare to pay the piper. I cut a Bataan Death March joke (yes, if you are Nancy and I you can make them) or two and thanks to some helpful locals, we eventually made it back to my hotel but not before we pass a titty bar and come to realize that John's sense of direction is uncanny. It will save my butt for the next three days.

The old Roman roads are uneven and dusty so I trip a lot. As we wander, we see young Eastern European girls in short dresses posing for what we can only assume are their mail order bride catalogue photos. We also see lots of exhibits about Nero, or Nerone as the Italians call him. I can only assume this is because the Domus Aurea is closed as he really didn't have much of an impact on the Forum. I see lovely statues of Messalina (wife of Claudius) and Agrippina (mother of Nero) so I run over and call them puttana (well, she was very rotten to Clau-Clau and I don't feel at all bad that Nero eventually poisoned his mother).

Among my favorite sites at the Forum is the House of the Vestals or pre-nuns. The picture above is of the atrium. The living quarters would have been behind the row of statuary. The young ladies who entered the priestesshood (yes, I made that word up) were of patrician class and sworn to celibacy. If they got caught with a man, they were buried alive. Nasty.
At the far end from the Campidoglio and outside of the Forum proper is the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum. I say my first "I hate you! This is all your fault!" to anything Constantine related.
Parched and starving, we head to lunch at Il Gladiatore Pizzeria. The pizza is good and as expected, the beer is pissy but it's cold. After lunch we head all the way back to the Campidoglio and down the hill to the hotel where I get a taxi to the Hotel Mercure which is back by the Colosseum (the back and forth is a recurring theme). My taxi driver is less pleasant than this morning's and after communicating to him that I am not in fact heading back to the airport tomorrow so he can't pick my up, he drives off with my bag in the trunk. I quickly run after him, pound on the trunk, and yell "aspettare"! He does. He apologizes. I grab my bag and check in. Nap for 45 minutes and meet everyone in the lobby for drinks (yes, they all hopped in a taxi and came all the way back as well). Drinks are in fact on the roof but I will save those pictures for Day 2 as they are spectacular.
After drinks, we head to dinner. Jay has a place in mind so we head pass the Colosseum (it's so pretty at night with the lights and no vendors or tourists).
Although we never do make it to the restaurant, we eventually find another. It's classic. The walls are covered with photos of the famous people who have eaten there (I really only recognize Sophia Lauren) and for whom they have cooked (Il Papa PJP II). We get a ton of dishes and split them all. The grilled radicchio is my favorite. Stuffed and a bit drunk, we head back to the hotel. It must be noted that Nancy wanted to cab it from the restaurant but that I had had my fill of cab drivers and did not want to have to ride by myself so we walked. This was okay until Jay looked for a short cut and as Nancy noted, there are no short cuts in Rome. Go back the way you came or prepare to pay the piper. I cut a Bataan Death March joke (yes, if you are Nancy and I you can make them) or two and thanks to some helpful locals, we eventually made it back to my hotel but not before we pass a titty bar and come to realize that John's sense of direction is uncanny. It will save my butt for the next three days.
At the Hotel Mercure, everyone else piles into a cab and heads back across the Forum. About 12:30 (6:30 pm Cleveland time) I finally hit the bed and fall asleep. By my count it's been about 36 hours minus a nap. I did damned well.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Good, The Bad, and The Fugly
The Good
Handicapped Seats! Since we recently learned that Joanna's walking cast is like an actual "casty" type cast and not the walking boot thing we figured it would be (we had our orthopedic surgeon hats on that day), we decided to see what kind of tickets we could get in the Jack Handy section. Turns out, pretty good! Section 152. Directly behind home plate and in the shade with a lovely breeze out of the west. Not a bead of sweat formed all day long. As we sat down the pleasant old usher man came and told us to keep our eyes peeled as foul balls were as common as a Grady Sizemore knee injury. Okay, that was not the exact metaphor he used but you get the drift, we should expect a lot of balls! Needless to say only one was close.
No Douche Bags! Up until the later innings when the sweaty folks moved back into the shade, Joanna and I watched the game in total peace. That means all my pent up emotion will be spent on just about everyone except Handsome Jack...No wait! There was that one time I uttered a loud "Goddammit!" in front of the children. Normally I don't think of the children but I had only had an Orange Crush to drink.
Jack Hannahan! Okay, he struck out thrice but he had a hit and an RBI. Plus he was solid at 3rd as usual. What was really nice was getting to see him warm up in the on deck circle (seen above although images in the photo appeared a lot closer in real life) and do his stretches when he assumed the field position. Smashing. The man is limber. They were raffling off chances to meet some Indians but I didn't buy a ticket because Jack was not one of my options. Whatever!
Fuk U, Do Me! Joanna got involved in the nickname game with an excellent submission. It's all about the inflection.
Shelly and Sandy - Separated at Birth? Submission! You be the judge.

The Bad
Big Screen Appearances! There were two although I only saw one. This has never happened before. Of course I have never been to an Indians game and not had a beer before so sobriety might have been the issue. I don't think I'll test the theory because if I have to sit through another game like that sober, I might explode.
Chisembop was the DH! 'Nuff said.
Seattle Mariners! Last time I checked, they sucked. Curse you, Ichiro (shakes fist to the heavens)! We so needed Mothra on the mound this week. You blow, Wily Mo! Seriously, tell your momma that "Willy" is spelled with two "Ls". Casper?!? He's a friendly ghost and not a guy who gets a clutch hit. Carp?!? That's a damned ugly fish and I hate you.
The Fugly
Indians Pitching! Words can't explain how mad I am at everyone except Bat right now. Long Ball Tomlin was useless. Raffy Perez was so bad Joanna thought it was Chick Hips (he is officially back to "The Douche Bag" after Monday night) out there! I called Chad "Durtbag" and he didn't even give up a run although he did pop someone (I think Pena) and by that time, it was kind of funny. Because we were behind home plate you could really hear the ball hit flesh. We flinched and then laughed. I think we gave up about 30 hits between last night and today.
Indians Offense! 2 for 12 or something like that with men in scoring position. At some point the EMT's went by with a stretcher. It did not appear to be an injury from a foul ball so I can only assume someone else was sober and had a stroke watching our pathetic attempts at the plate.
Carlos "Fatman" Santana got popped! Yeah, we need that. He sat there for sometime after taking a foul tip off the mask. I sat in the stands and yelled "What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut laden swallow?" to no one in particular.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
No (S)Hitter! WTF?

Look on the bright side Kosuke, it's only 63 years now!
I suppose I should consider it an honor to have seen a "No Hitter" in person but they totally suck when you're getting no hit! Plus, I can't help feel that the initial error that led to the run was a pretty well tagged ball that *could* have gone for a hit or that it was less about the pitcher and more about us sucking, except Handsome Jack who wasn't even given a chance. Thank goodness Chisembop got his at bats! Then there were the 5 errors, one of which led to Austin Kearns new nickname, "Not Choo".
In any event I was able to trash the family dude behind me who admitted to being too scared to ride the Top Thrill Dragster and was not happy on the Raptor (he didn't like the dangling!). He did show me pictures of the stuffed animals he won for his kids - as if that somehow made him a man again - but not after admitting that they cost him $150.00. Sad. He is now known as "Not Man".
On a more pleasant side, the Tigers can't win either! Pornstache was in attendance and I do believe Grace and I saw him shake his moneymaker when they played YMCA. Plus I now have two super powers as I can add prescience (I accurately predicted the results of most of our lame ass at bats) to incredible healer (at least according to Doctor Handsome). Before you all come knocking down my door, I can only heal myself so you'll have to take your afflictions elsewhere! Travis, Fuck! has been sent down and I now have to start thinking of a nickname for Kosuke "Thunderdome" Fukudome because that one is just too easy and when you're hitting .273 with 3 home runs you just ain't bringing the thunder.
Beyond Thunderdome,
Damned Ervins,
Epic Fail,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Ain't That America Somethin' To See Baby!

No, not really John "Cougar" Mellencamp. Not really! Before I begin a rundown of the thrills and spills, I'd like to say that Mid-America is horrible. From Michigan to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and points south (I did see a St. Louis Cardinals shirt), comes nothing but lardy, starchy, bloated white people wearing too skimpy clothing in an attempt to display their less than artistic body art. They also seem to be unaware of sun screen and the burning sensation that they no doubt must be feeling with skin the color of liquid hot magma. Their offspring are either obese by the age of five or are slim and sexually active by the age of twelve. This of course will lead to early marriage and child birth which will then lead to premature aging and morphing into the aforementioned parental units while at no point becoming self-aware. The cheap Wal-Mart flip flops, nylon shorts, and ripped t-shirt (either your high school sports team's or heavy metal band's logo are acceptable) are staples of the male's wardrobe while short shorts (unzipped of course), bikini tops or tight tight tank tops suffice for the female of the species. At no time during your life should you ever assume that you are too old to wear these fashion combos or that you are too fat. What looked good at twelve, looks as smashing at thirty-five and two hundred and fifty pounds. Amongst this mass of unhealthy humanity are the uber-fit douche bags, tools, and the combination tool bags sporting bulging muscles, fake tans, fake nails, fake tits, and small brains.
As I haven't been to Cedar Point in a few years, I noticed something new: the ride prerequisites now include the stipulation that "you must be able to buckle your own seatbelt". That's right! Unlike the airlines, Cedar Point does not provide seatbelt extenders and you can not hog the other end of the seatbelt from the other seat. If the belt don't fit, you must ex-it (you have to read that with Johnny Cochrane's voice)! This leads to some delay as the little porkers stuff themselves into the seats and inhale in an effort to close the clasp before they need to take a breath. I was expecting someone to pop but sadly, that never happened. Now off to the rides.
Christine, her daughter Morgan, friend Sarah, and I arrive about 11:30 (we spent the ride discussing "bad" words and in honor of this conversation some of them are scattered through this piece) and proceed directly to the Magnum. It's a classic and a good starter ride plus they play the cheesiest of 80's music. The line is short and the ride is uneventful but fun. Christine laughs hysterically through the entire ride. Unbeknownst to me, this is how she reacts to riding a roller coaster and she will do this all day except once....
Next up, the Top Thrill Dragster. The line is a mere forty-five minutes long but that's a lot of time to listen to the screams and watch the people go up and come back down, some crying. Christine begins to get a little nervous (seen below getting a little nervous).

The girls go up before us and show no signs of wear and tear as they exit and wait for us. Christine and I enter the car and it proceeds to the starting line where they rev the fake engine and make you wait. Christine says she wants to hold my hand. I tell her I had cancer and that's a little scarier so she doesn't hold my hand. That's good because she probably would have broken it. Anyone human would crush anything in their hands during that ride!
If you haven't experienced Top Thrill Dragster, you aren't really missing all that much. That's not to say it's not a rush and that it's not fucked up, it is. Totally and completely fucked up. For those seconds before you take off, you do nothing but look at the four hundred and twenty feet you have to go before you can come back down again. It's pretty intimidating until you take off at break neck speed and your stomach is back at the starting line. As you make your way up, you lose a lot of speed and you just climb a lot and then your at the top and you are just plunging back to earth. I looked but saw only sky. I believe Christine closed her eyes but she did not laugh. Then, almost as if it never happened, you are back on earth and it's all over. You must do it once at least but after that, it's a "meh".
Upon departing the Top Thrill we head to my favorite non-coaster, the Power Tower where the line is only fifteen minutes long. While in line, the little ambulance buggy stops at the Top Thrill Dragster to attend to some girl. Wuss. Now in comparison to the Dragster, the Power Tower is a baby ride. Not just because they put you in a seat that's very similar to the seat of a high chair and that you have to dangle and swing your feet like a toddler, but because it just goes up or down. I prefer down because you go up slowly, get a totally beautiful view of the lake and park, and then go completely weightless on the way down. For some reason, Morgan doesn't want to go on the Power Tower! We mock her and then pity her and tell her she doesn't have to go on the baby ride even though she did the Top Thrill. Our taunting works and she rides it. It's lovely as usual. We all scream and then head for the Corkscrew.
The Corkscrew kind of sucks but Sarah has never been on it and the line is only fifteen minutes long. Apparently it's the thirty-fifth anniversary of this ride. You'd think since it's so short and no one really rides it much that they'd let you go twice but they don't. Christine laughs hysterically for forty seconds and we move on to the Raptor. Ah, the Raptor. Hands down the best coaster at Cedar Point because it combines dangly high chair of the Power Tower with a roller coaster and I believe it's the longest as well. The line is again only about forty-five minutes long but time enough to learn to hate the ultra skinny, faked tittied pole dancer with the huge rock on her finger. Well, I didn't hate her as much as Christine. We (read: I) spent the time mocking the tunes (Billy Joel, Oasis, Aerosmith, Pink Fucking Floyd) and being hot, very very hot. For the ride, we get our own row. I "woo hoo" and Christine laughs. It awesome. On to the Millenium Force but first we stop for Icees because you get to mix and match. They charge $5.99 for a 10 cent cup and probably 5 cents worth of food coloring and flavoring but it's delicious. Unfortunately a few of the options weren't quite frozen enough so the middle of my drink looked like poop. It was still delicious and cold.
I had never been on the Millenium Force as the last time I was there, the line was over two hours long so I was damned excited with the one hour wait. The hour did drag on and it was super hot. When we finally arrived at the gates, Christine decided we should sit in the last row. Unfortunately, they pre-load the handicapped or injured folks and we had to wait a little longer for a car with an empty row. After all that, I was not that impressed with it. The first hill is fantastic but after the Raptor, it just didn't cut it for me. It goes in the pile with the Iron Dragon and the Mantis as coasters I won't ride again unless the line is thirty minutes or under. Hey, I've got standards!
Piping hot, we head to the water rides and Shoot the Rapids, a cheesy coaster but filled with water, water, water! The people in line are ultra fat or ultra tool baggy. It's like a distillation of the elements and the line is slow and smelly and they are playing awful country music. Filthy and awful. The lyrics are filled with references to tight jeans and hillbilly genes! As we near the railroad crossing, you can see the people on the ride and it is then that Morgan indignantly shouts, "No wonder the line is so slow, those cars aren't even full!". To which I reply that each car is limited to 1750 pounds of people and while that used to be ten Americans, it's now about five. So we wait and wait but it's worth it. My iPhone in it's Ottercase is tucked into a zip lock baggie along with our cash and we hop in, Christine and I in the back row again. On the last drop we hit the water and a tsunami rolls over our backs. Utterly drenched, we head back towards the Raptor to attempt a second run. Sadly more people have filtered in and the line is too long so we walk back towards the entrance.
As we near the Power Tower, Morgan, Miss "I don't want to go on the Power Tower", insists we take it for another twirl. Hey, you don't need to ask me twice. As we get in our seats, our foreign game attendant decides we are not displaying the necessary level of enthusiasm for her ride and she appears to take this as a personal affront. We go up and as we sit there waiting to drop, Christine says, "I'm scared". Now she's not of course as we've already been on this ride and she wasn't scared before, it's just coaster fatigue setting in. Once we drop, there is laughter (Does anyone remember laughter? Sorry, I just needed an excuse to insert the corniest lyric ever into this blog.). We pass the Corkscrew. Nah. Then hit the Magnum again. It's the last ride out and my back can't take the wooden track of the Gemini.
As we wait in line they play "Come On Ilene" and then "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" to which I sung along (only I sang "Wake Me Up Before You Go, Ho") and was given a dirty look by the family woman behind us. Christine and I do the last car and that was a mistake as it's really bumpy back there. I caught some whiplash on the way down one of the hills and then coaster fatigue. Despite the giggles, we both decided we were done but Morgan and Sarah went back for two more rides. All in all, a damned good day of coaster riding.
On the way out we made a wrong turn and ended up on 6 instead of 250 so once again I was denied Sonic. One day, one happy day, I will get to Sonic. I will probably be disappointed but I will get to Sonic.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
What (Not) To Wear: New York Yankees Edition
First let me say, this is not a game recap. You can get that anywhere. Hughes returned from the DL to pitch pretty well but not as well as "Bat" Masterson (look it up youngins') and his enormous feet. Once again, Handsome Jack only made it in for the final two innings although I did not get to yell "Jack Hannahan would have had that!". A good thing if a bit disappointing. Jack was wearing the short pants yet I could only admire his stretching from afar. I have decided that I would like to see him play in a kilt and if I am at the game, that he should play first base that night. Derek "Old Man" Jeter (Note: if you are a corn fed virgin boy from Scanton, PA, it's Derek "A God" Jeter and yes, it's a "god" as in Valhalla even if you really have no clue what that means) got a hit and I booed A-Roid so much I am a bit horse this morning. I was also denied a "Sandy Duncan?" but did get to call for "Chick Hips" Perez when old Vinnie made a bit of a "Pestano" of the 9th inning raising the delicate hopes of the loser pseudo-Latina Stankee fans in attendance. But enough of that....
Best Bermuda Shorts and Loafers Ensemble
On a hot, sticky and at times, stinky night in Cleveland your average baseball fan is going to have a hard time determining what to wear. Factor in the weeknight and you had a lot of guys who came from the (law) office, it's only natural that Bermuda shorts and loafers were all the rage. For the grand slam, you really need to pair it with the right shirt. Something in a "hot coral" as it does indeed bring out the tan that you just got on the family vacation last week or on the golf course this summer. The result is a classic "Full Boehner":

Okay, so the dude in front with the jacket tied around his waist is kind of precious as well. I suppose you can never be "too prepared" for a game but it was about 85 at first pitch. He gets an honorable mention for needless accessorization.
Gayest Yankee Fan Attire
Let me begin by apologizing for being so politically incorrect but I am a child of the 70s and calling something "gay" is not an insult to the LGBT community. I think we can all agree that a gay man would never wear either the Jeter shirt (it was that shiny thin nylon) or the World Series year montage hat. This is pure unadulterated undiluted "Fan Boy":

Powerful, I know. Equally powerful was his date because she towered over him like Steve Austin's Sasquatch (if you don't watch the Venture Bros. you won't get this so shame on you!).

A magnificent beast...I mean creature!
Best Bermuda Shorts and Loafers Ensemble
On a hot, sticky and at times, stinky night in Cleveland your average baseball fan is going to have a hard time determining what to wear. Factor in the weeknight and you had a lot of guys who came from the (law) office, it's only natural that Bermuda shorts and loafers were all the rage. For the grand slam, you really need to pair it with the right shirt. Something in a "hot coral" as it does indeed bring out the tan that you just got on the family vacation last week or on the golf course this summer. The result is a classic "Full Boehner":

Okay, so the dude in front with the jacket tied around his waist is kind of precious as well. I suppose you can never be "too prepared" for a game but it was about 85 at first pitch. He gets an honorable mention for needless accessorization.
Gayest Yankee Fan Attire
Let me begin by apologizing for being so politically incorrect but I am a child of the 70s and calling something "gay" is not an insult to the LGBT community. I think we can all agree that a gay man would never wear either the Jeter shirt (it was that shiny thin nylon) or the World Series year montage hat. This is pure unadulterated undiluted "Fan Boy":

Powerful, I know. Equally powerful was his date because she towered over him like Steve Austin's Sasquatch (if you don't watch the Venture Bros. you won't get this so shame on you!).

A magnificent beast...I mean creature!
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